Monday, February 21, 2011


It is a real word. Some ppl might not think so but it is. It means bored, or not really. It's a japenese Manga name. :)hihi But we can that it means bored for now.
Xoxo T ;D

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why me?

Whenever something embarrassing happens or other things you usually always seem to ask yourself this question "why me?!". Nobody knows why it's you but things just happen to prevent these things by happening you should never ever let your uncle look at your math book. I can't really tell you exactly why, but you might find out later.

konichiwa I am RANDOM! :P

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I was at a party yesterday and I was part of the party committee. We organized a party for the juniors(little kids) and seniors(big kids and I am one of them). Well we weren't allowed to take pictures which was pretty dumb but it was tiring and my friend and I were showing  and dancing the chicken dance with the juniors. I was so hungry, I think I might have eaten 7 pizza slices but I'm not sure. But in the middle of the seniors party the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate out of the building, then we went to a different building for a few minutes and then to another building for a few minutes, finally we went back to the building there was no fire but I was worried about my things. I think it was because of all the lights. Otherwise the party was fun. There was good pizza and fun music. Btw I don't think I'll be in party committee next year :)

Spring is on it's way!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just mean :P

Are you somebody hurting a friends feelings then stop now! I am Um(nickname) telling you that it is soo not cool! Well as you can see it has been a week of drama as usual. You can say sorry but that doesn't help. And that was a tip from this week and I'll see you next time on REMEMBER to dream dream dream! :)

Um & Cuddels post :P 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Disappointed by the horoskop :(

Today did not turn out as I planed. I can't exactly tell you why because be a bit too much Drama Queen for you guys I'm guessing. There was also a big catastoffe (is that how you spell it,who cares) but in the end it turned out alright.
XoXo Miss Drama ;)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Me, Myself and I embarass

Have you ever been embarassed infront of alot of ppl or mabey a cute Boy if so I know how it feels like. You just wanna hide in a box and never come out. On the other hand I have been having a good week. But agh I'm so out there. So see you guys later.
P.S. I'll put pictures in later :) the crazy gurl!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New years eve+ concert+ birthday= yay me!

To start with I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. But I've been soooo busy, but now I'm not soo busy!   Well I'm going to a birthday party today and I'm so exited it's going to be lots of fun! I know that news years was a while ago but I really like fireworks! see ya later. :)